Called to the Altar
When I say the words: promise, dream, and destiny, what comes to mind?
Are you excited?
Are you afraid?
My gut reaction is JOY and lots of it. But if I think about it too long, my day dreams turn into fear and anxiety.
Why? Because this is me we’re talking about. I am fearfully [literally] and wonderfully made.
I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I don’t trust God with my emotions. I let them overcome me and I run.
I mean, I had waited and prayed for a church like this for three years. Don’t get me wrong, I love my church in North County – North Coast Church. It’s just that it’s mega!!! HUGE. Even if you’re serving and leading a small group [like I am], I could go to any service and maybe know three people max!!!
It was nice when I needed to rest for a while. But now that God’s been singling me out and making my heart burn for people again–I can’t hide! I must go.
So I went.
To All People’s Church in San Diego last Sunday. I couldn’t wait to finally go to a church that had time for prayer in the front.
I knew I felt called to the altar, and when I went up for prayer the words that were spoken over me made me ball my freakin‘ eyes out.
I mean, how did she know? [The Holy Spirit].
She prayed destiny.
“I was born to fly.”
She said that I’m in a waiting period.
God’s promises and dreams that He gave can be trusted. He won’t put me to shame!!
Rest in His intimacy.
Immanuel, God is with me.
God will fulfill His promises for me.
I felt this was appropriate to share because prayer is one of the greatest forms of communication we have with our Abba Father. Any time we’re excited or afraid we can run to Him with our arms stretched out and say “daddy daddy!”
“Our lives are in his hands,
and he keeps our feet from stumbling.
You have tested us, O God;
you have purified us like silver.
You captured us in your net
and laid the burden of slavery on our backs.
Then you put a leader over us.
We went through fire and flood,
but you brought us to a place of great abundance (Psalm 66:9-12, NLT).
Dear Abba Daddy,
The exciting part is moving. The hard part is waiting. God give us the strength to endure Your abundant blessings today.We boldly approach your throne to find the grace and confidence that we’ve been missing. Thanks for allowing us, your children to come to you and not be ashamed. Thank You for always taking care of our needs. We love you, we need you, we want you in our lives! Amen